
O.N.V Kurup releasing
Kaumudi E.V.Krishna Pillai Pathippu

O.N.V Kurup releasing
Kaumudi E.V.Krishna Pillai Edition by handing over the
first copy to K.padmanabhan Nair, eminent journalist and
youngest son of late E.V. krishna Pillai

K.padmanabhan Nair
Speaks after receiving the first copy of Kaumudi
E.V.Krishna Pillai Edition

Forest Minister, with C.P.Nair.Keshav Hashim sitting

Minister Oomman Chandy discussing a pont with
Hashim Rajan |
Launch of Kaumudi
K.Damodaran Edition, January2,2005

Finance Minister Vakkom
Purushithaman releases Kaumudi K.Damodaran Pathippu by
handing over the copy to Water Resources Minister
Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan.Eminent writers S.Guptan
Nair and G.N.Panikkar looks on

On the side of launch : K.P.Sankara
Das, K.Mohan Kumar M.L.A, Hon.Minster for Power Aryadan
Mohammed, Hashim Rajan

Minster for Power Aryadan Mohammed
releasing Swadeshabhimani Edition July - September
2005 by handing over the copy to Minister of Tourism
K.C.Venugopal, while K.Mohan
Kumar M.L.A looka on

for Power Aryadan Mohammed releasing Swadeshabhimani
Edition July - September 2005 |